Eduardo’s Synaptic Flash

Written by Eduardo and posted by EM.

Eduardo’s notes: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 1:30 AM: Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico

I was awakened at 1:30 in the morning from a deep sleep. I don’t know what woke me up, but I remember turning onto my right side so I could see my digital clock on my window seal. I do not have curtains on my window because my casita is surrounded by piñon trees. When I’m in my bed I can see the starry skies, and with the help of the SkyView app on my cell phone, I am learning the names of the planets, stars, and satellites I was seeing from my pillow.  

As I looked through the window, I could see the star system Pleiades perched in the sky. I often look for it in the night sky, but this time I didn’t have to search for my favorite star cluster, it was right there, and I focused my eyes on it. As I did, something amazing happened. Just to the north of IX MOT’Z, the name the K’iche’ Maya use for the Pleiades, a ball of fire fell from the sky toward Earth. It was a flash of light that burned up as it approached the ground, and I was able to watch the whole event. I didn’t have to lift my head off my pillow to watch it, I was in what I call, the right place at the right time. Interestingly, according to many ancient teachings, we humans are living here, now have come to this planet to experience, “being in the right place at the right time.” According to the Maya Long Count, this time is referred to as, Oxlajuj (13) Baktun, the “time of transformation.”

I was surprised, shocked, amazed, and captured in the moment by the falling ball of light that occurred in the night sky, and visible through my narrow window. Is this the reason for me to be awakened three minutes before the event? And positioned on the pillow perfectly to be able to see the amazing display without even moving my head or body?

I now know that this type of event is what has been referred to in the messages as a Synaptic Flash Event. As I lay there reflecting on what I had just witnessed, I felt then and still do question, why me? And, I pondered in that moment, what are the odds for this event to take place at 1:34, so I could watch it after I wiped the sleep from my eyes? At the perfectly aligned moment, I watched an event that only lasted seconds, why? Someone or something woke me up, just in time to position my head in the right place, to watch it all occur. Who, or what wanted me to see this event? Or, was it just me wanting to see it, and knowing it would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be aware that I AM here, and present enough to appreciate the immense amount of work, the Universal beings had to put in for this all to happen in the first place. Synchronicity or miracle? I wonder…


It is Very Much Like a Song


Synaptic Flash Events