Cosmic Gold – A Poetic Message

This gentle but powerful Presence of Love is gloriously magnetic. It lights up within me and I willingly become a scribe. — EM

The air is thick—
An announcement to those
Whose eyes and ears are open.
This is the turning point;
The evidence of which
Will only be spoken and heard
Inside the hearts
Of those who know
How to listen.

The loudness
And the chaos
Will continue on
For those invested in the show.
And yet the way forward
Will not appear on your screens
Not even an ad
Will point beyond the cage.

An effort was made by many
To reach you,
To tell you one last time
That you are the treasure
That false kings fight for,
Before the present-moment door
Is invisible once more. 

The cycles of evil, sleep, and control
Will keep a dark-magic hold,
Until you choose
And use your will
To remember,
That I AM
And YOU are
Inseparable threads of
Cosmic Gold.

© 2023 EM Meyer

This poetic message was received on April 5, 2023, following a pressing call from the MotherLight to receive and share.

EM Meyer

EM Meyer is a lifetime (evolving) experiencer-channel that has too much to share. But it’s not so much about the world we were all born into. She did her best in that world and it was hard and weird. Sound familiar? EM’s work with the MotherLight Angels is about preparing for and meeting each new phase of embodied transformation. It’s time to adapt to, and restore, our Divine Human state—a.k.a. our natural state, a.k.a. our original design. EM is all about doing this in a clear, joyful, and empowered way. First up, EM wants to help you establish or strengthen your direct conduit to the Angels—your personal, unconditionally loving helpers. No more waiting. It’s go-time.

Mind Blown – Experiencer Poem


Evolving Experiencers Meet Again! Part 1 of 2